Fashion Logistics
As the fashion industry seeks to reduce the environmental impact of its value chain, an increased focus on logistics is integral for the industry to reach its sustainability goals.
Reverse logistics can be a key tool to unlock the industry’s transition to a circular fashion system.
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As partnerships and actions to establish circularity develop, there is a growing need for integrated reverse logistics across the fashion sector.
In September 2024, Global Fashion Agenda will launch a new publication, supported by Insight Partner, Maersk, that will explore transition strategies for circular futures globally, and the role that reverse logistics can play.
The Thought Leadership Report ‘Reverse Logistics for Circular Fashion Systems’ will share insights into how global fashion and logistics industries can collaborate to co-create powerful solutions at scale.
Reverse Logistics for Circular Fashion Systems
Sign up for the upcoming Global Fashion Agenda thought leadership report “Reverse Logistics for Circular Fashion Systems”.
Fill out the form below with your details and you will receive the report when released in September.